David Rose
McDonnell Postdoctoral Fellow in the Philosophy, Neuroscience and Psychology Program at Washington University, St. Louis.
He currently works on issues at the intersection of cognitive science and metaphysics and cognitive science and epistemology.
Chris olivola
Assistant Professor of Marketing and BP Junior Faculty Chair (AY 2018-2019), Tepper School of Business, Carnegie Mellon University. Affiliated faculty in the Department of Social and Decision Sciences, Carnegie Mellon University.
His research examines human intuition, judgment, and decision-making, from psychological and behavioral economic perspectives.
Markus Kneer
Research Associate, Department of Philosophy, University of Zurich. Principal Investigator, Swiss National Foundation project “Guilty Minds and Biased Minds”
He works on philosophy of language, mind and moral psychology, and currently leads a 4-year SNF research project exploring biases in the ascription of inculpating mental states.
Alejandro Suleman Erut
PhD Candidate in the Department of Anthropology at the University of California, Los Angeles. Advisors: H.C. Barrett, A. Duranti, J. Manson, and J. Armstrong
Originally from Argentina, Alejandro was trained as a socio-cultural anthropologist whose work incorporates elements from experimental philosophy, cognitive anthropology, psychology, evolutionary theory, and ethnographic methods. He has been done fieldwork in the South American Gran Chaco region with Wichí communities, and more recently in Amazonia with chicham-speaking communities (Shuar and Achuar). Among his topics of interest are child development, ethnicity, language, ontologies, intentionality, morality, and more recently conceptual devices with epistemic value (e.g. the concept of lying).
Andrew Smith
PhD Candidate in the Department of Anthropology at the University of California, Los Angeles. Advisors: H.C. Barrett, E. Cartmill, J. Manson, and G. Bryant.
His research exists at the intersection of language, culture, and social cognition. Specifically, his current projects aim to identify the ways in which mental states are spoken about across a variety of cultural and linguistic environments. He has a background in behavioral neuroscience which has served as a foundation for asking questions about social cognition. For the past four years, he has worked with communities of Shuar and Achuar speakers in Eastern Ecuador with an eye towards examining everyday communicative practices about the minds of others.
kristopher Smith
Postdoctoral research fellow in the Department of Psychology at the University of Pennsylvania.
His research focuses on the evolutionary and cultural origins of human social cognition and behavior, especially in the domains of person perception, partner choice, and cooperation. He conducts field research among the Hadza hunter-gatherers of Tanzania, using methods drawn from psychology, anthropology, economics, and experimental philosophy.
Postdoctoral Associate, Virtues of Attention Project, New York University, New York, USA